Wednesday, September 25, 2013

This is mostly tip's and trick's for my photo taking.

This video was brought to you by:
The J Magazine

I'm going to be coming up with a magazine. It will be posted on my blog and ROBLOX.
Any early sneak peeks of the magazine will be on my twitter. Follow me @Jada554 I do follow back.
So yes now I am going to tell you a few things that might be in the magazine.

I plan on interviewing some famous people, fashion group owner's, people I randomly see in a game.
I will be with out a doubt doing inter views on peoples thought of the highly over priced clothes on ROBLOX, and the feeling on people who no longer can afford clothes on here, like me.
So yea I hope to come out with the magazine in  maybe the second or third at the latest week of October.
Thank you I plan on being much more active with the blog. 
Also I will be making a story And will be posting one chapter of it each and ever weekend!
So stay tuned for that. 
I love you all! 
Please Personal message me with any idea's, cmment's, complaint's, ect.. With  my blog.
I would be happy to answer them as soon as I can.
Follow me on twitter! @Jada554


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