Saturday, October 12, 2013

Once again I find my self discovering new art

I went to imagination to take a photo for the Mocha Halloween Logo contest (which is on my twitter page so go check that out) Then I see all these creative pieces so here are some of them plus my thoughts on them.

First off, sorry I didn't edit these I have a lot more things to edit so I decided just to leave these.

I think this is just a beautiful piece. It's simple and creative at the same time. When I look at this I think of water or air. Clean water and clean air. Just so light yet so full of life in this. I like it a lot. I give this and 8.6

Personally when looking at this I see clowns, wrapping paper, and a dull yet vibrant rainbow.  I thinks its cool because it uses so much color. It's something that captures your eye. It just makes you want to look at it and observe it closely. I think it looks better because it's organized usually people just put the color's any where when they use a lot of colors, but no this person was different and made it organized. I give this a 8.5

I can't tell you how in love I am with this painting! IT is one of Princess Luna from My Little Pony  Friendship is Magic! next it is like so cool looking! Last it looks so much like Princess Luna. I like that it is not of a more popular pony like Twighlight or the other princesses. Plus this isn't a typical painting so I truly am  in love with this. I give this a 9.1

Tune in to my next blog post where I give you my inter view with h0twheels. I hope you guys enjoyed. Rember you can personal message me any time on ROBLOX or tweet me on twitter @Jada554. I love you all  (except fuzzybear51) Please if you have any questions leave them in the comments or pm me. Have a nice day/after noon/night/evening/morning. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!


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