Sunday, August 18, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Application Form to be dance teacher at S.S.D.C.

Copy and past this then PM me your application. Read the bottom it has important  information about the job.

Dance Teacher application for Star Struck Dance Co. <3

Do you have any background with dance on ROBLOX? If so, tell me about it.

Will you respect the choices of the other dance teachers?

Can you teach my dance routines?

Can you be left at my studio with admin?

If I am not able can you do pyramid?

Explain in detail how you imagine you class at the studio.

Can you make up your own dance routine.

Have you ever been to a dance completion on ROBLOX.

Please know that I want honest answers I can tell if you lied. So do not disrespect me and my dance Co. You will also have to prepare a routine for me to see. This routine must be self made. Only two of which who apply will get the job. Understand I can fire you from my studio You will have to(virtualy) Sign a contract. So thank you for applying.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hey guys I am asking for Donations.

I am going to be having 3 different t-shirts.  The least expensive price is 5Robux and 50 tix. The regular price is 10 robux and 110 tix. The very graciously price is 55 robux and 550. It would mean alot if you buy them.If you buy them this is what you will get: You will get a shout out on my blog, status, blurb, and twitter, you will also have the honer of getting to spend the day with me and my friends. I will also make a decal of you. So please Buy one of them when they come out. Thank you for 600 blog views!!



How to stay organized and get good grades in school. 14 tips. (mostly aimed towards middle schooler's)

Hey I am going to give you some helpful tips for school. Pm me if these tips you think will help you or any feed back on it.


1. Make sure you have a binder or multi-flap folder.

2. Have an individual folder for each class period. Label one side of the folder 'Incomplete' and 'Complete' This way you know what assignments you don't have to worry about and stuff you still have to get done.

3. I didn't do this last year and highly regret is not to focus on the internet. DON'T WORRY ABOUT ROBLOX NOT TWITTER NOT YOUTUBE NOT FACEBOOK! Keep you head on your grades and this is something I should have dont but didn't.

4. Don't worry about drama going on with your friends. You will just loose focus of your work.

5. This is with out a doubt for middle school. Have loose leaf lined paper. There is no doubt in my mind that at one time in the classroom your teacher will say. "Take out a clean sheet of paper" You do not want to be the only person in the class who has no paper. The first maybe month or two the teachers wont be as mad, but after a while they wont care you just will have extra work to do because you forgot.

6.Keep you locker organized. If your locker is a complete mess you have papers all over the place you will be so dis-functional. You will be so confused, and have no clue where anything is. Keep your folder 1 place book-bag another, and text books another. At my school I have full length lockers some have top and bottom lockers. So I have no clue what to say about that since I never experenced it.

7. Have an agenda. That thing will keep you so on track with your school work. You can write down every assignment. So you know what to do and so you wont miss any home work because you forgot.

8. Save all graded work for that semester  1/4 of the year because if you really deserved a higher grade then what you got. So keep that so you can get the grade you deserved.

9. Do not give any one your pencils. They will not return them. By the end of the 1st 4th of the year you will have no pencils. After you give 1 out people will see and use you to get pencils.

10.When you get home work make it one of the first things when you get home. Maybe eat a snack. Watch 30 minutes to an hour of t.v. then go straight to your work. If you put off your work till your about to go to bed you will be tired in the morning. Alot of schools start earlier in middle school. Mine starts at 7:30 I wake up at 5:45. So I do not have time to wake up late because I typically do not like being rushed to get ready. Plus I have to be at school at like 7:10.

11. Do not miss your bus or don't let your parents bring you in late. You will feel rushed to get to your locker then to class just not the position you want to be in.

12. Don't focus on stupid  guys. Either you have a crush on him on there being stupid and annoying you. I have been in both of those situations. Do not get into them.

13. There will be those people in your class who do not care who talk and interupt and your just thinking'SHUT UP ALREADY!!!' Ignore those people. They are going to be the ones who have no job don't get into collage and are stuck working for minimumwage.

14. Enjoy the year as it goes on. Keep your main focus on your education.

 Well I hope my tips helped. Please Pm me if you have any advice for me. Thank you so much for 600 blog views.  I hope you all have a wonderful school year.


Back to school update:

Okay so like most of you I will be starting school soon. I am telling you this 1. to help you and 2. so you know why I will not be very active. First of all. I am by force limiting my self to going one day during the school week. Unless I get the day off and I don't have homework, or I am on break,then those are the only reason I will break that. I start school next week. My last day of being on for hours and hours is Tuesday, if your wondering. I will go on twitter though still. I am once I get all my school supply's will be making a haul video for you guys. I will also like the Saturday after I start school will be a video on how to stay organized since I know that some of you are starting middle school this year so like why not. So yes. I hope you guys respect my choice on not being on as much. I hope yo all know that ROBLOX can't be your main focus. I am saying his because if I focused more on the outside world and others last year and I highly regret it. I didn't do as well as I could have at school. I lost a lot of things that really just made my life boring. So when I say this I am saying this out of my own experience, DO NOT FORGET ANY CLASS WORK GET IT ALL DONE AND TURNED IN! I am working on tips for middle school, and school in general. So stay tuned for that. It will be up later today or tomorrow. So yes I guess I will call this Part one to my  back to school blog collection.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

This is a message to a friend that I should have been a little more accepting to....

I remember the day we met I remember the discussion we had when we first met. It was about twigh light and 1D. So anywhoo...... I wanted to say I am sorry that I didn't act a little nicer too. I hope you do however see where I was coming from. I don't know if our friendship will ever be the same, but we can try.
I hope you see this. I want you to Pm when you read this. So I know you read it and know you care about me as much as I care about you if not more. Love you so much gurl.


O.O.T.D Wednesday Sorry I did not post yesterdays the it got lost in my footage.

Here is the link to the youtuber I was talking about.

This is the video where she wore it. She is also one of my favorite youtubers. So go subscribe to her. Sorry about yesterdays OOTD I lost in the huge amount of clips I have for MY new segment Storm Chaser Jada.

OH and OOTd's will become more rare beccause I start school next week. So wil blog post so I have mny prerecorded and am working on pre writen posts. For the lastest on Jada554 though follow me on twitter @Jada554.


I made a twitter!!

I made a twitter. Go hook me up @jada554 . Im so excited. I would love you all to follow me on twitter it a way for my to post thing I dont feel like posting on my blog. Trust me I am going to still be using this blog.Only for OOTD my storm chaser jada my fashion weekly and bigger mor eimportant things. So yea hmu @jada554



Okay I have like 2 or 3 updates for you all.

NUMBER ONE: I am going to be adding a new segment to my blog. Jada's weekly fashion post. I give tips or outfit Ideas ask some questions some times so we can know whats in for this Autumn. Stuff like that. I will start it next week.

NUMBER TWO: I am making another new segment called: Storm Chaser Jada. It is where I go to games with storms in them or disasters it them and I record showing you some times they will be earthquakes or fire or nukes or flood or tornado's

NUMBER THREE: How have you guys been liking my O.O.T.D's? I love getting feed back form you guys it would mean a lot if you gave me ideas on what to improve on and such.

That's all the updates I have. Please check me out daily. Thats how often I try to post.


OMG I have done it 600 blog views. Thank you soooo much.

I am very happy to say That I looked online today and it showed that I have 600 blog views. I am very thankful for those of yo who check my blog out vry happy that I have such amazing people in my life. Accomplishing a goal like this is very exciting and  make you think that this is the next step. I love writing I enjoy it it a favorite subject of mine. Now I know what I Write is important and that I have a voice. I feel very blessed. Thank you all. I feel awesome. This was a boost for my self asteem . I am just at a loss for words right now. All I can say is thank you.


Monday, August 12, 2013

This poem is called freedom written by Jada554 (disclaimer: this is just a little rough draft not the finished product)

I was locked in world that I thought I could never be free from.

In the world I saw others but could never be one.

The people there were so strange looking.

I was scared.

Were these creatures nice or was I wrong?

I still trapped in not able to let go.

Find my self wanting to stay.

I finally feel winds change.

I know now what I must do.

Life comes to a pulsing stop.

It is all over.

I am free.

There is freedom.


O.O.T.D Monday and I have nearly 600 profile veiws thank you soo much

Here is Mondays OOTD hope you like. I will be doing and awards show OOTA( outfit of the afternoon)
SO yes, I will be vloging at the awards show super excited about that. So yea. Thank you for watching. (vloging video blog)


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Not naming names but one friends of mine cares more about people she met maybe a month or 2 or 3 ago then me

I feel like my friends are a little more friendly to others then me. Yes the people there with are nice. Trust me  it's not that I don't like there friends, cause I do. I just feel like I am lesser importance then others. I wish it wasn't like this. I hate feeling jealous. I feel terrible that I feel this way but its true. If i' am talking and my friends are with there friends then... they do not listen to me really. I wish life wasn't like this. Maybe ROBLOX is just not for me anymore I mean is it just me or do friends move on. Is that saying "boyfriends and girlfiriends come and go but friends are forever" just one big lie. I don't want to seem un-greatful or anything for the friends I have, I'm not  I just want to go back to when my friend were mostly together just us. Now my friends all some how seem to know the same group of people. Since I have come back from my leap of absence, my friends have been very chummy with a group f people. Why do I feel this way? Am I just a person who has trouble letting go? Most likely. Not the point though. I don't want my friends to play the sympothy card like always. They stay by me all the time for like 2 days then leave after and go back to what ever. When ever I want to do something with my groups they get mad and I apologize. If they want to do something with a group there in, I have to wait till there done and I don't get mad at all. It just annoys me. Why can't life be simpler.  I guess were moving on growing up. Oh well I guess our friend ship is coming to  a hault. They will doubtfully check my blog to see this soo oh well. I don't care really. They will just play the sypothy card and then leave me ONCE AGAIN!. I can't do anything about that. So well I am going to go to sleep now and umm well watch some episodes from old tv series. :(-Felling: Sad and Lonely


O.O.T.D Outfit of the day Sunday

Okay this is my outfit of the day for Sunday. Sorry for the gunshot sounds I was at Roblocity and did not feel like having to re-film it. So next time I will make sure not to film it at that game again. So I hope you enjoyed. Also sorry for any terrible qaulity it wasn't an edited thing .

Saturday, August 3, 2013

I am disappionted so much in ROBLOX

As many of you know I have recently returned to ROBLOX. The sad thing is I have noticed hacking has increased. The admins of ROBLOX should instead of focusing on make the site more "user friendly" They need to have more fire walls on the site. I think some one attempted to hack me but failed. I have been to like 10 games all personal servers and have been hacked. I saw a person on a guest account  it wasnt a knock off guest it was a real guest account and was using free chat. What the heck ROBLOX. Get a handle on this. Hackers are terrorizing you childrens childhood. Do you know how terrible that must be?!?! One of the awesomest builders on ROBLOX may or may not ever build a game again because you people allow hackers to get into games. I thinks its sad and I wish you would take some of that time you people use to make it more "user friendly" to make it more hacker free. It is sad how badly hacking has got on ROBLOX please repost this as your blurb on ROBLOx maybe the will notice us and actualy pay attention to the players for once!
